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实验室周例会报告预告--20130402 付田原 李宏源

报告题目:HandingData Skew in Parallel Joins in Shared-Nothing Systems

报 告 人:付田原




Parallel processing continues to be importantin large data warehouses.Data skew occurs naturally in many applications. Inthis paper, it proposes a new join geography called PRPD (Partial Redistribution& Partial Duplication) to improve the performance and scalability ofparallel joins in the presence of data skew in a shared-nothing system.

报告题目:Design of Flash-BasedDBMS:AnIn-PageLoggingApproach

报 告 人:李宏源




Differencebetween NOR-type and NAND-type flash memory. Anvantages flash over magneticdisk, overcome the limitationsof and exploit the advantages of flash memory, achieve the bestattainable performance while minimizing the changes, realize a leanrecovery  mechanism. In thispaper, takeadvantage of new features of flash memory such as uniformrandom access speed and asymmetric read/write speed,overcome the erase-before-write limitation of flash memory, minimize the changes made to the over allDBMS architectures.

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